UN Day is celebrated on October 24 each year, commemorating the day, in 1945, that the UN was established. This year, both the Village of Plainfield and the City of Joliet have accepted the Zonta Club of the Joliet Area's request for UN Day proclamations. Members of the club attended the Village of Plainfield's October 17 meeting and the City of Joliet's October 18 meeting to speak on the importance of the UN's mission and how Zonta's mission of Build a Better World for Women and Girls are aligned. Zonta International's global initiatives are tied to the UN and its agencies. Both mayors recognized UN Day with proclamations. Those initiatives include:
--Ending child marriage (did you know more than 650 million women alive today were married before age 18?).
--Closing the gender gap in education (every additional year of primary school means an increase of 10 to 20% in future wages).
--Saying no to violence against women and girls: Look for Zonta's awareness campaign coming this November 26 through December 10 (Human Rights Day), "Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women."
The Zonta Club of the Joliet Area sincerely thanks the City of Joliet and the Village of Plainfield for recognizing the importance and significance of the work of the United Nations.
Visit https://www.un.org/en/ to learn more about the United Nations endeavors.