Join us on Thursday, March 21 at the Renaissance Center in downtown Joliet, for an incredible event showcasing inspiring stories as the Zonta Club of the Joliet Area presents the "Through Her Eyes" Film Festival with films curated by Wild and Scenic Films. Immerse yourself in a diverse selection of films that offer a unique perspective on women's experiences. This event promises to be an enlightening and empowering celebration of women's voices.
Boss-up Reception 4:00 to 5:30 pm Join us in the lobby of the Renaissance Center for networking, appetizers and cocktails while being serenaded by local entertainer Karen Isberg. Dinner and Program 5:30-9:00 pm Dinner will be served family style at tables of eight. Short film viewing and discussion moderated by emcee Caroline Portlock follows. Caroline Portlock is the Director of the Workforce Investment Board of Will County. She serves as the President of the Illinois Workforce Partnership and the 35th recipient of the Athena Award through the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry. She is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Joliet and the Visitation and Aid Society and volunteers for several local organizations.
The Zonta Club of the Joliet Area is excited to be able to continue having a film festival featuring the stories of women for the fourth year. We extend our thanks to the folks at Wild and Scenic for working with us to curate films for to share with the community after LunaBar decided to pause LUNAFEST.
Proceeds from this fundraiser directly support the Zonta Club of Joliet Area's endowed scholarships at Joliet Junior College, which support local women to obtain an education.
Tickets, $65 each, on sale now via Eventbrite.
Learn more about Wild and Scenic Film Festival:
Emcee Caroline Portlock and Boss-up Reception Entertainer Karen Isberg.